Students at Roslyn Elementary School created posters for the Pennsylvania Statistics Poster competition based on the research they completed on a variety of topics. According to the rules of the competition, a statistics poster is a display containing two or more related graphics that summarize a set of data, look at the data from different points of view, and answer specific questions about the data. The competition is open to all K-12 students in Pennsylvania in four grade level categories. Cash prizes, certificates, and ribbons are awarded for first, second, third, and fourth place in each category. Certificates are awarded for honorable mentions in each category. The poster’s subject matter is the choice of the participant. In judging, the following criteria are considered: overall impact of the display for eye-catching appeal and visual attractiveness, and for its ability to draw in the viewer to investigate the graph or graphs; clarity of the message’s demonstration of relationships and patterns, obvious conclusions and the ability to stand alone, even without the documentation on the back of the poster; appropriateness of the graphics for the data; and creativity, neatness, and originality.
Once the entries were completed at Roslyn, posters were displayed in the school cafeteria and all classes visited the cafeteria and reviewed the creative entries. Students and staff learned various statistics about sports, cars, pets, snack foods, countries, movies, and so much more! There were almost one hundred posters submitted by students from kindergarten through sixth grade. Special thanks to Mrs. Tyheshia Carmichael, Roslyn’s Curriculum Specialist, for the presentation!