Overlook Elementary School students and staff participated in the Philadelphia Horticultural Society (PHS) Junior Flower Show held at elementary schools. Over 400 students from kindergarten to sixth grade made floral arrangements, mosaic art with grains, prints using fruits and vegetables, and “creative critters” with natural materials as well as detailed botanical drawings. This year’s theme is “National Parks- National Treasures” and many of the projects reflected this theme.
Community partner, Kremps Florists helped first to third graders create unique floral arrangements to the joy of the students. During rainy and snowy days, projects were created during indoor recess and with the Nature Adventure Club. The Nature Adventure Club and Overlook Flower Show are coordinated by teacher Mrs. Ellen Brown.
Overlook students were complimented by the PHS judges for fine work and enthusiasm. PHS judges came and evaluated all entries. Students earned blue, red, green or white ribbons. Channel 6 news featured the Overlook Flower Show on the 5:00 newscast on Wednesday, February 3rd.
Overlook Elementary School Principal, Carla Greene, encourages creativity and enables the Overlook Flower Show to be seen by students and parents at a school-wide evening presentation. The “Best of Show” entry will be shown at the Philadelphia Flower Show and seen by hundreds of thousands of guests; that entry will be judged for additional honors.
Congratulations to all participants, the effort of all the students, and teachers truly created Best in Show!