Last night Ms. Kathy Christiana introduced the Abington Senior High School Odyssey of the Mind team that took First Place at the World Finals held at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. There were 60 teams competing from around the world in the “Pandora’s Box” – Division III problem. Ms. Christiana introduced the team and video highlights of the team’s award-winning presentation, which can be seen with the video of the Board meeting on the school district cable channels: Comcast 968 and Verizon 43. The 12th grade student members of the team include Max Mindel, Christopher Doyle, Nicholas Fitzpatrick, Robert Galloway, Andrew Giguere, Tara Santora, and Gilbert Wermeling. The coach is Mrs. Anna Mindel; the team is shown here with Abington Senior High School Principal Mr. Angelo Berrios.