Congressman Brendan Boyle announced at a special local award recognition reception that Christopher Cho, a junior at Abington Senior High School, won the First Place Award in the 2016 Congressional Art Competition in Congressman Boyle’s district. The US Congressional Institute of Art promotes the arts and, since 1982, has invited high school students to submit artwork for the competition. In Congressman Boyle’s district, over 20 student entries were submitted. As the First Place Winner, Chris’ artwork will be displayed in the US Capitol Building over the next year and Chris will be invited to a special reception in Washington DC that will honor the winners from all the congressional districts. In addition, as the First Place Winner, Chris has received a full University of Pennsylvania School of Design scholarship for a four-week intensive studio art program at the Art at Penn summer program. Judges for Congressman Boyle’s 13th District competition included art professors from colleges such as Penn State Abington, Arcadia University, as well as art professionals. Chris is a student of Abington Senior High School art teacher Nicole Caracciolo; this is the second year in a row that a student of Ms. Caracciolo has won First Place in the Congressional art program.
Abington Senior High School Student Christopher Cho Wins First Place Congressional Art Award